
Friday, May 30, 2014

Thank You Notes Series | part one: Our sister/aunt Sarah

A new blog series to thank people in our lives for many of the sweet ways that they make our life better. Since Bill and I got married there have been so many times that people have done generous, fun & just simply nice things that we want to publicly say thank-you for. I don't think we could ever adequately say it enough to cover everyone in all they do for us - but there are many specific little things done that could easily go by without being appropriately acknowledged so we thought it would be fun to start this mini-series. If I could go back these posts would range from the numerous people who made our wedding wonderful almost four years ago to fun little packages in the mail to our our favorite worker at Qdoba getting Jack a Christmas gift last year(the fact that this happened may speak to a greater burrito issue in our family... but that's not what we're talking about right now. ;))   

This first one goes out to our Sister (Bill's only sister!) affectionately(but seriously ;)) known as Crazy Aunt Sarah. Specifically for her love of buying quality toys for our boys. Every birthday, Christmas (and once in a while) non-occasion she'll see some toy or cool book and get it for Jack AND she has good taste. Anything wooden, classic, american made, educational (but still fun!) is usually what's on the radar. Also to note. See that elephant toy down there? She made that. Not just like bought a kit with an elephant you put on wheels - but actually created the elephant from scratch and made this fabulous (and functioning!) toy (I personally think she could have a future in toy-making. ;)) 

So, thanks Sarah for loving your nephews and getting cool stuff for them. They'll have these toys forever (only a few pictured below) and we're glad they're from you.  We love you. :)

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